
Article Date

2010 Nov 16

Choices have consequences

Right, Responsibility, and Results of Choice

Agency = the right to choose; next to life itself, the right to direct that life is a Great gift of God; Imposed Salvation = plan of adversary…anti-agency; though suffering He became the great redeemer; men are free to choose liberty and life (and thus joy), or captivity and death (and thus misery);

we cannot be neutral - there is no middle ground; guidance is available to assist in our safe return - prayer, promptings, and scriptures; we have all the tools nessesary to make correct choices; we have sufficient to know good from evil; we cannot afford the luxury of a detour; don’t be pacified; momentary/temporary results or long-term results; “if you do not know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter which path you take” - chesire cat; by choosing our path, we choose our destination; courage to say no, courage to say yes; descisions determine destiny; what is your end goal? don’t deviate from that path; commit to reach the goal

all choices have consequences; some detours don’t return; keep eyes, hearts, and determination on the goal; no temptation, enticing, pressure can overcome you unless you let it; salvation is an individual operation; correction is always available, so do it; the sooner you correct your path, the quicker you will return; a lifetime of accumluation of right choices; it requries effort; you can make the choice before you have to make it, i.e. prechoice