
There is a big difference between “Being Secure” and “Feeling Secure”. Far too often even security professionals (financial, physical, computer, or any other) lean towards “feeling secure” rather than actually “being secure” because “being secure” is very very hard, if not impossible. Feeling Secure is a feeling in your gut that you’ve done all you can think of and covered every base (that you know about). You have used every little trick you know about, even if you don’t know how or why it works.
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2020 Jun 22
I do not wear a face mask because it’s the law, because it’s not a law it’s an executive order… I do not wear a face mask because it keeps me or you safe from this virus, because it does not and there is quite a bit of scientific discussion about the efficacy of the various types of face masks… I do not wear a face mask because someone on TV said so, I don’t care what supposed celebrity X says about anything really…
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so one of the things this blog is going to try to accomplish is collect all the various items that I’ve put on various places in the web. This means old school projects/papers/writings/thoughts as well as linking to & copying of content that I’ve produced that lives elsewhere on the web. We’ll see how it goes…
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